View Details of Code :: 130
130: Tenders, Contracts and Arbitration |
Code No. |
Particulars |
Date |
Circular/ Guideline No. |
130.230 | suggestion/comments on the draft amendment in the standard RFP document for DPR consultancy work | 19.10.2023 | Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (S&R Zone) |
130.229 | Invitation of Public comments on proposed amendment in standard RFP for appointment of Authority Engineer (AE)/ Independent Engineer (IE) | 01.05.2023 |
RW/NH-33044/02/2023-S&R (P&B) (218375) |
130.228 | Draft RFP for Supply, operation & Maintenance of lncident Management Services (lMS) on National Highways: lnviting comments. | 03.04.2023 |
NH-11011/37/2 |
130.227 |
Suggestion/comments on the draft amendment in the standard RFP document for DPR consultancy work |
19.10.2023 |
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (S&R Zone) |
130.226 |
01.05.2023 |
RW/NH-33044/02/2023-S&R (P&B) (218375) |
130.225 |
03.04.2023 |
NH-11011/37/2 |
130.224 |
31.03.2023 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H (Vot. lV) (e-151240) |
130.223 |
Amendment in Roughness parameters for Flexible and Rigid pavements |
29.03.2023 |
RW/NH-33044/88/2021-S&R(P&B)/DNT(215840) |
130.222 |
Value Engineering Practices for the Design, Construction a Maintenance of National Highways Projects |
22.02.2023 |
RW/NH-34049/01 /2020-S&R(P&B) pt. |
130.221 |
18.01.2023 |
RW/NH-33044/88/2021 -S&R(P&B)/ DNT (21 5840) |
130.220 |
28.12.2022 |
RW/NH-33044/88/2021-S&R(P&B)/DNT(215840) |
130.219 |
19.12.2022 |
RW/NH-33044/88/2021-S&R(P&B)/DNT (215840) |
130.218 |
09.12.2022 |
RW/NH-33044/88/ 2021 -S&R(P&B)(200465) |
130.217 |
20.10.2022 |
RW/NH-33044/04/2022-S&R(P&B ) (206034) |
130.216 |
Remuneration of professional staff claimed by the consultancy firms. |
20.09.2022 |
RW/NH-33066/25/2018-S&R(P&B) |
130.215 |
Seeking additional performance security for the bidders who have quoted abnormally low bid price |
31.08.2022 |
NH-37015/01/2022-H-Part(1) (Comp No. 212632) |
130.214 |
Value Engineering Practices for the Design, construction & Maintenance of National Highways Projects |
30.08.2022 |
RW/NH- 34049/01/ 2020-S&R (P&B)pt. |
130.213 |
Mandatory training courses requirement for Personnel of Consultants,Contractors, lEs and AEs. |
29.08.2022 |
RW/NH-33044/04/2022-S&R(P&B ) (206034) |
130.212 |
Seeking additional performance security for the bidders who have quoted abnormally low bid Price. |
26.08.2022 |
NH 37015/01 /2022-H (Comp No.208778) |
130.211 |
31.05.2022 |
RW/NH-35014/35/2020-H (Part-lV) (Comp no. 208779) |
130.210 |
23.05.2022 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H (Vol Il) (E-134863) |
130.209 |
23.05.2022 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H (Vol Il) (E-134863) |
130.208 |
18.05.2022 |
NH 37015/01/2022-H (Comp No. 208778) |
130.207 |
Seeking additional performance security for the bidders who have quoted abnormally low bid price. |
18.05.2022 |
NH 37015/01/2022-H (Comp No. 208778) |
130.206 |
18.05.2022 |
NH 37015/01/2022-H (Comp No. 208778) |
130.205 |
Changes in Bidder Eligibility criteria of NH projects under Hybrid Annuity Mode |
11.04.2022 |
NH- 24028/14/2014-H (Vol-II)(Comp no. 134863) |
130.204 |
E-tendering on CPPP in respect of National Highways and all centrally sponsored Road works |
25.03.2022 |
RW/NH-34048/6/13-S&R(B)Pt. |
130.203 |
Reinstatement of provision of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in bids for highway projects |
28.02.2022 |
NH-35014/20/2020-H-(Part-Il) (E-196330) |
130.202 |
Reinstatement of provision of Earnest Money Deposit (Er{D) in bids for highway projects. |
22.02.2022 |
NH-35014/20/2020-H-(Part-ll) (E-196330) |
130.201 |
03.02.2022 |
NH-24031 /07/2014-P&P (Vol-V) [e-DFA/4079307] |
130.200 |
Mandatory training courses requirement for Personnel of Consultants,Contractors, lEs and AEs. |
31.01.2022 |
RW/NH-33044/04/2022-S&R(P&B ) |
130.199 |
16.12.2021 |
NH-3 5014/35/2020 -H-Part(l l) (E-19666 2) |
130.198 |
02.11.2021 |
H-39011/09/2020-P&P(Log) |
130.197 |
07.10.2021 |
RW/NH-33044/76/2021 -S&R(P&B) |
130.196 |
06.10.2021 |
RW/NH-33044/76/2021-S&R(P&B) |
130.195 |
09.09.2021 |
RW/NH-33044/88/2021-S&R(P&B) |
130.194 |
Proposal for amendment in Article 8.3(iv) of Standard EPC Agreement |
26.08.2021 |
NH-24028/04/2021-H |
130.193 |
31.07.2021 |
RW/NH-34066/25/2018-S&R(P&B) |
130.192 |
Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for Project Management Consultancy (PMC)- Modified document |
09.04.2021 |
RW/NH-24024/02/2019-S&R(P&B) pt. |
130.191 |
25.03.2021 |
NH-24036/6712020-H |
130.190 |
Utility Shifting Works for development of National Highways - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). |
11.2.2021 |
RW/NH-33044/29/2015-S&R(R)pt. |
130.189 |
15.01.2021 |
RW/G-23017/01/ 2019-W&A(Pt. lll ) |
130.188 |
15.01.2021 |
RW/G-23012/01 /2019-W&A(Pt.III ) |
130.187 |
Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for Project Management Consultancy (PMC) – Modified document |
06.1.2021 |
RW/NH-24024/02/2019-S&R(P&B) |
130.186 |
01.12.2020 |
RW/NH-24024/02/2019-S&R(P&B)Pt |
130.185 |
Changes in the Model Concession Agreement (MCA) of Hybrid Annuity Model(HAM) Projects. |
10.11.2020 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H (Vol. II) |
130.184 |
02.11.2020 |
NH-35014/35/2020-H |
130.183 |
28.10.2020 |
NH-35014/25/2017-H (pt.II) |
130.182 |
Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for Project Management Consultancy (PMC) |
22.10.2020 |
RW/NH-24024/02/2019-S&R(P&B) |
130.181 |
22.9.2020 |
NH-24031/07/2014 -P&P(Vol V) |
130.180 |
24.08.2020 |
130.179 |
30.04.2020 |
37010/4/2010-EAP(Printing) Vol. IV |
130.178 |
Fixation for revised timeline for e-tendering for Strengthening/lRQP/PR works |
31.1.2020 |
RW/NH-12037/81/2019-TS/Zone-III |
130.177 |
18.12.2019 |
RW/NH-33044/35/2019 |
130.176 |
09.11.2019 |
RO/MUM/NHDP-39/2015-16(Computer No. 176793) |
130.175 |
07.10.2019 |
RW/NH37010/4/2010-EAP(Printing) Vol. IV |
130.174 |
27.05.2019 |
RWINH-34066/01/2019/S&R(P&B) |
130.173 |
05.03.2019 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP(Printing)Vol.-IV |
130.172 |
05.03.2019 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP(Printing)Vol.-IV |
130.171 |
15.02.2019 |
H-39011/30/2015-P&P(Pt-l) |
130.170 |
15.02.2019 |
H-39011/30/2015-P&P(Pt-l) |
130.169 |
15.02.2019 |
H-39011/30/2015-P&P(Pt-l) |
130.168 |
28.12.2018 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP(Printing)Vol.-IV |
130.167 |
Option of type of Pavements to the Concessionaire in PPP Projects- |
26.12.2018 |
35079/01/2015/S&R(P&B) |
130.166 |
28.11.2018 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP(Printing)Vol.-IV |
130.165 |
28.11.2018 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP(Printing)Vol.-IV |
130.164 |
29.10.2018 |
RW-NH-34048/7/2013-S&R (B) |
130.163 |
21.8.2018 |
RW/NH-33044/10/2002-S&R (P&B) |
130.162 |
8.8.2018 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010-PIC-Printing/Vol.-V |
130.161 |
8.8.2018 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010-PIC-Printing/Vol.-V |
130.160 |
13.7.2018 |
NH-35014/25/2017-H(Pt.2) |
130.159 |
25.6.2018 |
RW-NH-34066/14/2018-S&R(P&B) |
130.158 |
19.06.2018 |
NH-35014/34/2017-H |
130.157 |
Use of BIMS portal ( for procurement of highway contracts on EPC Mode. |
19.6.2018 |
NH-35014/34/2017-H(Part-II) |
130.156 |
7.6.2018 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.155 |
25.04.2018 |
NH-35014/34/2017-H |
130.154 |
Use of BIMS portal ( for procurement of Highway Contracts on EPC/HAM/BOT Mode |
08.02.2018 |
NH-3501/34/2017-H |
130.153 |
20.12.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.152 |
29.08.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.151 |
22.08.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.150 |
16.08.2017 |
RW/NH-39013/23/2015/NHDP-IVA |
130.149 |
26.07.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.148 |
Amendment to Model RFP for Hybrid Annuity projects (Amendment No. 1/2017) |
02.06.2017 |
NH-37015/1/2009-H |
130.147 |
Guidelines on sharing of complete DPR along with the NIT/RFP |
01.06.2017 |
H-39011/30/2015-P&P (VII) |
130.146 |
25.05.2017 |
H-39011/30/2015-P&P (VII) |
130.145 |
25.04.2017 |
RW/NH -24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.144 |
17.04.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.143 |
17.01.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.142 |
16.01.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.141 |
16.01.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.140 |
16.01.2017 |
RW/NH-37010/4/201O/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.139 |
11.01.2017 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.138 |
09.12.2016 |
HAM- MCA document |
130.137 |
9.12.2016 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.136 |
Office Memorandum Implementation of e-procurement through CPP portal of NIC – Reg. |
21.11.2016 |
15017/48/2016/P&M(MON) |
130.135 |
Hybrid Annuity Model for Implementing highway Projects-amendment in MCA. |
16.11.2016 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H(Vol-II) |
130.134 |
31.10.2016 |
NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.133 |
10.10.2016 |
RW/NH-24028/14/2014-H(Vol-III) |
130.132 |
16.9.2016 |
38014/10/2016-H |
130.131 |
2.9.2016 |
RW/NH-37010/2/2016/EAP |
130.130 |
22.8.2016 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.129 |
11.8.2016 |
RW/NH-37010/2/2016/PIC-EAP |
130.128 |
Estimate of Bid price in Public Private Partnership Projects-Hybrid Annuity Model. |
4.8.2016 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H(Vol-III)(Pt.) |
130.127 |
8.7.2016 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.126 |
Hybrid Annuity Model for Implementing highway Projects-amendment in MCA. |
8.7.2016 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H(Vol-II) |
130.125 |
06.07.2016 |
RW-NH-34015/1/2016 S&R(B) |
130.124 |
31.3.2016 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.123 |
22.2.2016 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.122 |
Hybrid Annuity Model for Implementing highway Projects- Revised RFP/MCA for HAM. |
9.2.2016 |
NH-24028/14/2014-H(Vol-II) |
130.121 |
27.1.2016 |
H-25011/02/2014-P&P(Pt. III) |
130.120 |
4.1.2016 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.119 |
1.1.2016 |
RW-NH- 34048/7/2013-S&R (B) |
130.118 |
28.12.2015 |
Request For Annual Pre- Qualification (RFAQ 2015) |
130.117 |
24.11.2015 |
24 November 2015 - HAM-2015.11.24-Hybrid Annuity Model - RFP Document Part1 |
130.116 |
9.11.2015 |
H-25011/02/2014-P&P(Pt. III) |
130.115 |
5.10.2015 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.114 |
14.09.2015 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC-EAP(Printing) |
130.113 |
8.9.2015 |
H-25011/02/2014-P&P(Pt. III) |
130.112 |
24.6.2015 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008/P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.111 |
13.03.2015 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC-EAP |
130.110 |
14.02.2015 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC-EAP |
130.109 |
29.12.2014 |
NH-15017/181/2014-P&M |
130.108 |
11.12.2014 |
RW/NH-34048/7/2013-S&R(B) |
130.107 |
Maintenance of road during development period and construction period-reg. |
1.12.2014 |
NH-35014/02/2014-H |
130.106 |
13.11.2014 |
NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.105 |
29.08.2014 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC(Pt-EPC) |
130.104 |
10.07.2014 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC(Pt)-RFP |
130.103 |
13.06.2014 |
NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC-EAP |
130.102 |
27.05.2014 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC(Pt-RFP) |
130.101 |
E-tendering on central portal in respect of centrally sponsored Road/National Highways works. |
16.5.2014 |
RW-NH-34048/6/13-S&R(B) |
130.100/206 |
25.2.2014 |
RW-NH-35071/2/2013-S&R(B) |
130.99 |
15.1.2014 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC |
130.98 |
15.1.2014 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC |
130.97 |
31.12.2013 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC |
130.96 |
30.10.2013 |
NH-37010/4/2010-PIC-EAP |
130.95 |
16.9.2013 |
RW/NH-34048/7/2013-S&R(B) |
130.94 |
01.08.2013 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC |
130.93 |
Timelines for completion of various Civil construction workson National Highways on EPC mode |
16.7.2013 |
RW/NH-33044/18/2012-S&R(R) |
130.92 |
12.12.2012 |
RW/NH-33044/30/2012/S&R(R) |
130.91 |
12.12.2012 |
RW/NH-11055/6/2010/P&M(Mon.) |
130.90 |
26.11.2012 |
RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PIC |
130.89 |
19.9.2012 |
NH-11065/4/2012-P&M(Pt.) |
130.88 |
26.4.2012 |
RW/NH-11055/6/2010/P&M(Mon.) |
130.87 |
Correction of Defects and Defect Liability Period under Standard Bidding Document-certain amendments |
12.4.2012 |
NH-11065/4/2012-P&M(Pt-II) |
130.86 |
Guidelines for submitting the tender documents for NH(O) and Other Centrally Sponsored Scheme |
13.06.2011 |
No. RWINH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC |
130.85 |
1.4.2011 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC |
130.84 |
15.3.2011 |
NH-24035/4/2008/P&M/PIC (Vol V) |
130.83 |
04.11.2010 |
No. RW/NH-12014/5/2010/SP(MP)/P-9 |
130.82 |
21.05.2010 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC |
130.81 |
Standard Bid Documents for EPC Contracts under Arunachal Package |
06.05.2010 |
No.RW/NH-12037/5/2010/Ar.Pkg/P-9 |
130.80 |
16.03.2010 |
No. RW/NR-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC |
130.79 |
27.11.2009 |
RW/NH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC |
130.78 |
27.6.2008 |
NH-14019/4/2008-P&M |
130.77 |
Improving vigilance administration by increasing transparency through effective use of website |
14.8.2007 |
RW/NH-34066/4/2007 S&R (B) |
130.76 |
24.1.2007 |
NH-15032/22/2006-P&M |
130.75 |
Guidelines for expeditious acceptance of tenders and award of work |
5.7.2001 |
NH-15015/29/2001-PL |
130.74 |
Prequalification criteria for Bidders for Small BOT Projects of cost upto Rs.100 Crore |
12.1.2001 |
NH-24035/23/97-PL(Vol.III) |
130.73 |
21.12.2000 |
RW/NH-24020/2/99-PIC |
130.72 |
Standard Bidding Document for Works Costing more than Rs.5.00 Crore |
4.10.2000 |
RW/NH-24020/2/99-PIC |
130.71 |
Standard Bidding Document for Works Costing more than Rs.5.00 Crore |
4.9.2000 |
RW/NH-24020/2/99-PIC |
130.70 |
3.4.2000 |
NH-11011/3/99-PL |
130.69 |
9.3.2000 |
RW/NH-11024/3/99-US(D.I.) |
130.68 |
Expeditious acceptance of tenders for works on National Highways |
13.1.2000 |
RW/NH-11026/2/99-US(D.I.) |
130.67 |
Policy on Prequalification of Contractors for Implementation of NH Projects |
5.3.1999 |
RW/NH-15015/5/99-PL |
130.66 |
17.6.1998 |
RW/NH-11052/1/98-DO.I |
130.65 |
Prequalification of Contractors for National Highway works and Centrally Sponsored Schemes |
10.6.1998 |
RW/NH-37011/9/98-DO.I |
130.64 |
Need for expeditious award of National Highway works after sanction-suggested procedural changes |
21.4.1997 |
RW/NH-11026/1/97-DO.I |
130.63/(7200) |
30.4.1997 |
RW/NH-11029/1/97- DO I |
130.62 |
10.12.1996 |
RW/NH-11065/12/96- DO I |
130.61 |
20.6.1995 |
RW/NH-11024/2/95- DO I |
130.60 |
14.6.1995 |
RW/NH-11024/2/95- DO I |
130.59 |
Evaluation of tenders for externally aided National Highway projects |
17.10.1994 |
RW/NH-11024/3/94-DO.I |
130.58 |
Procedure for appointment of Arbitrators for Domestic Funded National Highway works |
28.9.1994 |
RW/NH-34041/3/94-DO.I |
130.57 |
28.9.1994 |
RW/NH-34041/3/94-DO.I |
130.56 |
28.9.1994 |
RW/NH-34041/3/94-DO.I |
130.55 |
11.7.1994 |
RW/NH-11024/2/94-DO.I |
130.54 |
15.6.1994 |
RW/NH-11024/1/94-DO.I |
130.53 |
Award of arbitration in respect of National Highway works-acceptance regarding |
23.3.1994 |
RW/NH-11052/17/93-DO.I |
130.52 |
Award of arbitration in respect of National Highway works-acceptance regarding |
26.7.1993 |
RW/NH-11052/17/93-DO.I |
130.51 |
Engagement of consultants for carrying out services in respect of National Highway works |
22.12.1993 |
RW/NH-33045/3/90-D.III |
130.50/206 |
Engagement of consultants for carrying out services in respect of National Highway works |
26.8.1993 |
RW/NH-33045/3/90-D III |
130.49 |
7.9.1993 |
RW/NH-11052/18/93-DO.I |
130.48 |
20.7.1993 |
RW/NH-11024/2/90-DO.I |
130.47 |
20.7.1993 |
RW/NH-11024/2/91-DO.I |
130.46A |
18.5.1993 |
RW/NH-11024/2/90-DO.I |
130.46 |
13.5.1993 |
RW/NH-11052/14/93-DO.I |
130.45 |
15.2.1993 |
RW/NH-11024/1/86-DO.I |
130.44A |
16.9.1991 |
RW/NH-11024/2/90-DO.I |
130.44 |
18.3.1991 |
RW/NH- 11024/1/86 -DO I |
130.43 |
26.2.1991 |
RW/NH-11024/1/86-DO I |
130.42 |
Defect liability period in respect of bridges on NHs and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes. |
8.10.1990 |
RW/NH-11052n/90- DO I |
130.41 |
25.10.1990 |
RW/NH-11052/5/90-DO I |
130.40 |
18.9.1990 |
RW/NH-11052/4/89-DO I |
130.39B |
Expeditious acceptance of tenders for works on National Highways |
06.09.1990 |
RW/NH-11026/1/89- DO I(Pt.) |
130.39A |
Constitution of a committee on developmentof Road & Bridge contracting industry. |
28.2.1990 |
RW/NH-11024/2/89- DO I |
130.39/1100.27-A |
30.12.1989 |
NH-33044/2/88-DO II |
130.38 |
23.5.1989 |
NH-11024/1/86-DO I |
130.37 |
7.2.1989 |
NH-11024/1/88-DO I |
130.36 |
23.1.1989 |
NH-11024/1/88-DO I |
130.35 |
Prequalification of contractors for NHs & centrally sponsored works -· Advance action thereto |
28.11.1988 |
NH-11024/1/88-DO I |
130.34 |
03-08-1988 |
RW/NH-33045/1/88-DOII |
130.33 |
25.1.1988 |
NH-I1024/1/86-NHIIl/DI |
130.32 |
18.12.1987 |
RWIII/P/4/82 |
130.31 |
27·3·1987 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.30 |
16.12.1986 |
NH·50(37)/83-NH std. |
130.29 |
2.9.1986 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.28 |
16.6.1986 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.27 |
Proper execution of concrete wearing coat and expansion joints |
19.3.1986 |
NHVI-50 (3)/83-Vol. II |
130.26 |
18.3.1986 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.25 |
5.3.1986 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.24 |
16.9.1985 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.23.1 |
21.8.1985 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.23 |
Restricting the Practice ofInviting lumpsum Tenders forBridge Works |
15.7.1985 |
RW/NHVI-50(3)/83 |
130.22 |
Intimation to State PWDRegarding Advance Actionon Prequalification |
10.5.1985 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.21/204 |
11.10.1984 |
NHIIl/Coord/30/84 |
130.20 |
11.7.1984 |
NHIII/P/4/82 |
130.19 |
Credit of Sale Proceeds ofTender forms to the Revenueof the State Governments |
11.7.1984 |
RW/NHIII/P/3/84 |
130.18 |
Model Contract Document forLumpsum Contract forHighway Bridges |
28.12.1983 |
RW/NHIll/P/22/83 |
130.17 |
30.9.1983 |
RW/NHIII/P/12/79 |
130.16 |
Procedure for Finalisation of Tenders - Need for Avoiding delays |
7.9.1982 |
N-47/KR/396/82 |
130.15 |
13.7.1982 |
RW/N-7/MD/2101/W |
130.14/121.5 |
Submission of Revised Estimates Procedure Regarding Submission of Tender Case |
19.1.1980 |
PL-30 (6)/80 |
130.13 |
12.7.1978 |
NHIII/Coord/7/78 |
130.12/121.6 |
30.11.1977 |
NHIII/P/2/77 |
130.11/121.5 |
6.7.1977 |
NHIII/P/14/77 |
130.10/7520 |
Examination of Tenders for Balance NH Works at the risk and Cost of the Original Contractor |
20.7.1976 |
N47/KR/30/75 |
130.9/121.6 |
26.6.1976 |
PL-30(62)/76 |
130.8 |
25.6.1976 |
NHIII/P/54/76 |
130.7 |
Tenders for R & B Works Financed Entirely by the Central Govt Funds |
28.3.1973 |
NHIII-33 (108)/72 |
130.6/121.2 |
16.6.1972 |
NHIII/33 (28)/72 |
130.5 |
17.11.1969 |
NHI-46 (29)/69 |
130.4 |
27.6.1969 |
Wl-43(9)/65 |
130.3 |
9.4.1969 |
WI-43(9)/65-NHI |
130.2 |
Acceptance of Tenders for Road & Bridge Works Financed Entirely Out of Central Govt. Funds |
4.9.1968 |
NHI-41(14)/68 |
130.1 |
Acceptance of Tenders for Road & Bridge Works Financed Entirely Out of Central Govt. Funds |
9.6.1965 |
WI-43(9)/65 |